Mastered Marketing

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How to Turn 1 Piece of Content in 10+ Epic Posts

Creating content like writing blogs and shooting video is great - but doing it can be time consuming on a regular basis. Not only that, it can sometimes be hard to keep thinking of new ideas. Well you're in luck! Here's how you can take one video or content in general and turn it into 10+ social media posts that will engage your audience. (PS - this also works great for turning any existing or presentations into marketing material).

Step One - Video

Create an epic piece of video content. Try to make it as useful and practical as possible - rather than creating 5 average videos, put 5 times the effort into this one. Now you have a video! If you need some help putting together a video, check out this tutorial.

Step Two - Blog

Once that's finished, go on and transcribe the video. It costs $1 USD per minute (insanely cheap) and you will get a full written version of the video which is astonishingly accurate. Edit that text, add headings and turn it into a blog article. Now you have a blog article. 

Step Three - LinkedIn

Take that blog and create  a LinkedIn article with it. Now you have a native LinkedIn article and all of your connections will get a notification about it!

Step Four - Micro-post

Take the best section of your blog article and create a long-form caption (aka a micro-post) on Facebook and Instagram. This will make people have to press 'See More' to read the full text which is shows the algorithm that people are interested in your content which is GREAT. 

Now you have a long-form post that will drive engagement. (Of course you can also share the video and blog on Facebook, this is just an extra post) 

Step Five - Video Snippets

Crop the video and into 3 different snippets (literally just crop the video in iMovie or whatever program your computer has). 

These can all be separate posts on Instagram & Facebook. If you want to make it even cooler, get a freelancer to add subtitles to the video like this. Now you have 3 video snippets for Instagram. 

Step Six - Quotes

Take the blog and create 3 Instagram quotes with advice/ content from the video. Just use Canva to add text over the top, with a short tip from the content. Now you have 3 more posts!

Step Seven - Email

If you have an email list, send this out to them too. Now you have a valuable email for your subscribers. If it's evergreen content (meaning it's not time sensitive and the content will always be valuable) you can add it to your email automation / sales funnel. God damn we are productive. 

Step Eight - Instagram Stories

Share the content on your Instagram and Facebook Stories. You can either share a snippet of it, or simply let people know that they can find it on your profile. If you’re tech savvy you can design some vertical (1080px by 1920px) artwork on Canva.

Step Nine - Extra Posts

If you can squeeze more, go for it! Just create little bits and pieces of advice with snippets from the article or video as many times as you want and post it on social media, while linking bank to the article.

E.g. if you have a 'top 10 ways to add value to your home' video, you can EASILY create a video snippet and short tip for each of the 10 steps. Just save them to drafts to use later — simple!

Full content checklist:

Look at all this content from the ONE video!

  • 1 x full video.

  • 1 x blog post.

  • 1 x LinkedIn article.

  • 1 - 3 x video snippets.

  • 1 - 3 x regular images with long captions.

  • 1 x square design with blog title.

  • 3 x square quotes from the blog.

  • 2 x vertical Instagram story posts.

  • 1 x email to database.

. . .

How's that for effective? As you can see, rather than trying to think of new articles all the time, simply recycle your existing content and you're away! If you’d like a hand with your marketing, click the button to get in touch.

Mitch Hills @masteredmarketing